The Story Behind Rattled
When I was pregnant with my first child, I thought I was ready. Well, as ready as one can be. My husband Kevin and I had read all of the baby books, and had just the right amount of diapers, onesies, and cute crib sheets, washed and ready to go. We had deep cleaned the house, prepped lasagna for the freezer, and both sides of the family were ready and waiting to help.
After an extremely difficult 5 days of labor, with contractions every 2 minutes, zero sleep, hardly any food, and all plans out the window, our beautiful son was born. On the first day home things were relatively easy. We could handle being sleep deprived. We did it in college, after all!
Fast forward 3 days, and we were struggling. Family and friends were knocking down our door delivering food and offering to help, but in a sleep deprived state, we didn't even know what to ask for. The countertops were always a mess, the dogs needed some extra attention, and wow, do newborns create alot of laundry! Add a terrible case of postpartum depression into the mix, and we were just trying to SURVIVE. We had friends and relatives out of state asking how they could help, but honestly, one more matching pj's set wasn't going to solve things.
And then it hit me. They say it takes a village. But for many of us, our friends and family work full time jobs, live out of state, or just aren't sure how to help. And more importantly, new parents running on 2 hours of sleep can't even think clearly to ask for what they need. What if there was a service that could help families with the little stuff, so that they could focus on their new lives as parents?
What started as a service for new parents has quickly transformed into changing the lives of families of all kinds-from parents of toddlers to retirees. What do all of them have in common? Their brains work better when the countertops are clean.

We can't wait to make your life easier!